
Once the application is running, you can start using the SDK.


In Setup, first make sure to setup and ensure the network connectivity (WiFi, GPRS...). Then you should initialize the SDK.

  // Required
  .httpHost = "",
  .deviceId = "_DEVICE_ID_",
  .apiKey = "_API_KEY_",
  .httpCert = "_HTTP_CERT_",
  .mqttCert = "_MQTT_CERT_",
  // Optional
  .resetDelayMs = 7000,
  .httpMaxResponseSize = 300,
  .httpTimeoutMs = 8000,
  .logMaxMessageSize = 200,
  .mqttTaskPriority = 5,
  .mqttTaskStackSize = 9640,
  .mqttKeepAliveSec = 30,
  .mqttNetworkTimeoutMs = 8000,
  .mqttReconnectTimeoutMs = 10000,
  .otaTaskPriority = 5,
  .otaTaskStackSize = 6928,

That's it you can now start using the SDK ✨

httpCert is the certificate for the application host httpHost. mqttCert is the CA certificate for the used MQTT broker. Certificates should be in PEM format.


The logging API is based on the ESP_LOGI macro. Thus make sure to set DEBUG_LEVEL equal or greater than 3.

You can instantiate a logger instance of Logger class with a custom scope. A scope is a way to identify the context from which the logger is called. The logger has methods for distinct log types info, warn, success and error.

It's recommanded to set monitor_raw = true on platformio.ini in order to benefit colored logs.

The output can be local via serial port and remote via MQTT. By default, the local logs are enabled and the remote logs are disabled.

You can disable local logs by setting Store::logSerialEnabled = false


In order to listen for incoming custom commands, you can create a handler and reference it from Command::onCustom. The handler accepts a serialized JSON message. You can parse it with the ArduinoJSON library.

void onCustomCommand(std::string message);

Command::onCustom = &onCustomCommand;


In order to send custom reports, you can use Report::send method.

    .type = REPORT_INFO,
    .subject = "Report's subject",
    .body = "Report's body"


Config variables are accessible via Store::get(STORE_CONFIG) in serialized JSON format. You can parse it with the ArduinoJSON library. To listen for incoming config commands, you can create a handler and reference it from Command::onConfig.

void onConfigCommand(std::string message);

Command::onConfig = &onConfigCommand;


Over-the-air updates are handled internally, performed in non-blocking execution, and cause software reset on successful deployment.

Updates can be triggered manually via the web application or automatically on a CI pipeline. To build and deploy the release with GitHub Actions:

  • Set the GitHub variables and secrets below.
  • Add the release workflow below that will be triggered on a new GitHub release. Please note that the Tag should be in the format x.y.z or x.y.z-suffix.

Variables & Secrets

API_KEYThe API key of the related project
PROJECT_IDThe ID of the related project
HOSTThe application's host, e.g.
PIO_ENVThe PIO environment set on platformio.ini, e.g. esp32dev


name: Release

# Triggered when new release published
    types: [published]

# Run only once, no concurrency
  group: production
  cancel-in-progress: true

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: |
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-pio
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: "3.9"

      - name: Install PlatformIO Core
        run: pip install --upgrade platformio

      - name: Build PlatformIO Project
        run: pio run --environment ${{vars.PIO_ENV}}

      - name: Deploy Release
        run: |
          curl -X POST \
            -H "Api-Key:${{secrets.API_KEY}}" \
            -F "projectId=${{secrets.PROJECT_ID}}" \
            -F "version=${{github.ref_name}}" \
            -F "file=${{format('@{0}/.pio/build/{1}/firmware.bin', github.workspace, vars.PIO_ENV)}}" \
            ${{format('https://{0}/api/releases?ci=true', vars.HOST)}}